Performance of Linear Algebra Factorization in Multi-Accelerator Architectures


  • Edita E. Gichunts Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA



MAGMA, multiple GPU, Linear Algebra, Factorizations


Hardware and software are required to effectively solve problems in many domains. The idea of creating a hybrid architecture based on graphics processors arose to meet the increasing demands of modern scientific problems. Most of these problems are reduced to solving linear algebra problems. A set of efficient linear solutions has been successfully used to solve important scientific problems for many years. Factorizations play a crucial role in solving linear algebra problems.
This work presents implementations of LU, QR and Cholesky factorizations on two graphics processors using the MAGMA 2.6.0 library. Their performances are given for matrices with real and complex numbers in single and double precision.


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How to Cite

Gichunts, E. E. (2024). Performance of Linear Algebra Factorization in Multi-Accelerator Architectures. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 61, 62–69.