On Special Maximum Matchings Constructing


  • Rafayel R. Kamalian Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA;Yerevan State University
  • Vahan V. Mkrtchyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA;Yerevan State University


For bipartite graphs the NP-completeness is proved for the problem of existence of maximum matching which removal leads to a graph with given lower(upper) bound for the cardinality of its maximum matching.


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How to Cite

Kamalian, R. R. ., & Mkrtchyan, V. V. . (2021). On Special Maximum Matchings Constructing. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 24, 62–75. Retrieved from http://mpcs.sci.am/index.php/mpcs/article/view/571