Relative Efficiency of Nonclassical Resolution and Cut-free Sequent System


  • Sergey M. Sayadyan Yerevan State University


Comparison of the efficiency of resolution system and cut-free sequent calculus remains an open problem since 1974 (Cook, Reckhow). The problem was solved by A. Chubaryan for classical propositional logic in 2001. The paper proves that mentioned two systems for Intuitionistic propositional logic (Minimal propositional logic) are also polynomially equivalent.

Author Biography

Sergey M. Sayadyan, Yerevan State University

Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics


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S.A. Cook, A.R. Reckhow, Relative efficiency of propositional proof systems, JSL 44, 1, 1979, 36-50.

G.Mints, Resolution systems for nonclassical logic, Semiotika I informatika, vip. 25, 1985, 120-133 (in Russian).

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How to Cite

Sayadyan, S. M. . (2021). Relative Efficiency of Nonclassical Resolution and Cut-free Sequent System. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 28, 135–140. Retrieved from