Arithmetic Operators Introducing Full Swing High Speed Current-Mode BiCMOS Technology


  • Arash Ghorbannia Delavar Microelectronic laboratory of Beheshti University & Islamic Azad University
  • Keivan Navi Shahid Beheshti University


In this paper we present some multiple valued arithmetic operators introducing high-speed current mode circuits. By applying simple and efficient methods we have reduced the number of transistors and power dissipation. Besides we have achieved a significant improvement in terms of speed and chip area. We have eliminated some parts of circuits and simulated their function with other parts, which results in so many improvements already mentioned.


Author Biographies

Arash Ghorbannia Delavar, Microelectronic laboratory of Beheshti University & Islamic Azad University

Sciences and Researches Branch

Keivan Navi, Shahid Beheshti University

 Electrical & computer engineering faculty


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How to Cite

Ghorbannia Delavar, A. ., & Navi, K. . (2021). Arithmetic Operators Introducing Full Swing High Speed Current-Mode BiCMOS Technology. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 28, 75–87. Retrieved from