Stability and Oscillations in Spatially-extended Models of Population Interaction


  • Nelli A. Ajabyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


Conditions for species coexistence in a simple patch-occupancy metapopulation model are derived. The model is described by a system of ordinary di®erential equations. The ecological stability of the community is interpreted in terms of conservation of species composition in the model. The limits for the stability are related to the boundness of the model solutions in phase space. Analytical results show that there are regions in the parameter space where the species coexistence can occur depending on characteristics of competing species interaction and structure of the links connecting isolated patches.


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How to Cite

Ajabyan, N. A. . (2021). Stability and Oscillations in Spatially-extended Models of Population Interaction. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 29, 58–65. Retrieved from