The Stable Set Number for the Strong Product of Generalized Cycles


  • Sevak H. Badalyan Yerevan State University
  • Stepan E. Markosyan Yerevan State University


The strong product of an odd cycle and a generalized cycle and the strong product of two generalized cycles are investigated. For both cases a method is given to construct a stable set of vertices in product graph to achieve the known upper bound α(GxH) ≤ ρ(G)xα(H) in case some conditions hold. For the stable set number of strong product of generalized cycles a lower bound is found.


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How to Cite

Badalyan , S. H. ., & Markosyan, S. E. . (2021). The Stable Set Number for the Strong Product of Generalized Cycles. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 32, 27–34. Retrieved from