The Shannon Cipher System With Correlated Source Outputs and Wiretapper Guessing Subject to Distorion


  • Tigran M. Margaryan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


Shannon cipher system, Correlated sources, Guessing rate


The Shannon cipher system with discrete memoryless sources is considered. The wiretapper gains the cryptogram through the public noiseless channel and tries to guess the secret information which is related to the encrypted plaintext. It is assumed that at each step of sequential guesses the wiretapper has a testing mechanism to identify the secret message within the given distortion level. The security level of the encryption system is measured by the guessing rate which is the highest asymptotic exponential growth rate of the expected number of guesses. The estimations of guessing rate are obtained.


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How to Cite

Margaryan, T. M. . (2021). The Shannon Cipher System With Correlated Source Outputs and Wiretapper Guessing Subject to Distorion. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 41, 47–54. Retrieved from