Benchmarking of GPU NVIDIA CUDA, CUBLAS and MAGMA Libraries Based on Matrix Multiplication Problem


  • Edita E. Gichunts Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


Parallel computing, Matrix algebra, Graphical processor


Solving linear systems of equations is a fundamental problem in scientific computing. Many scientific computer applications need a high-performance matrix algebra. The major hardware developments always influenced the new developments in linear algebra libraries. Nowadays major chip manufacturers are developing next-generation microprocessor designs that integrate multicore CPU and GPU components [1]. The main aim is to benchmark CUBLAS and MAGMA libraries on matrix multiplication problem using the Tesla C1060 graphical processing unit.


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S.Tomov, R.Nath, H. Ltaief and J. Dongarra,“Dense linear algebra solvers for multicore with GPU accelerators”, Proc. of IPDPS'10, Atlanta, GA, January 15, pp. 1—2. 2010.




How to Cite

Gichunts, E. E. . (2021). Benchmarking of GPU NVIDIA CUDA, CUBLAS and MAGMA Libraries Based on Matrix Multiplication Problem. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 42, 121–126. Retrieved from