Interval Total Colorings of Complete Multipartite Graphs and Hypercubes


  • Petros A. Petrosyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA ; Yerevan State University
  • Nerses A. Khachatryan Yerevan State University


Total coloring, Interval total colorin, Interval coloring, Complete multipartite graph, Hypercube


A total coloring of a graph G is a coloring of its vertices and edges such that no adjacent vertices, edges, and no incident vertices and edges obtain the same color. An interval total t-coloring of a graph G is a total coloring of G with colors 1; : : : ;t such that all colors are used, and the edges incident to each vertex v together with v are colored by dG(v) + 1 consecutive colors, where dG(v) is the degree of a vertex v in G. In this paper we prove that all complete multipartite graphs with the same number of vertices in each part are interval total colorable. Moreover, we also give some bounds for the minimum and the maximum span in interval total colorings of these graphs. Next, we investigate interval total colorings of hypercubes Qn. In particular, we prove that Qn (n ¸ 3) has an interval total t-coloring if and only if n + 1 • t • (n+1)(n+2) 2.

Author Biographies

Petros A. Petrosyan, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA ; Yerevan State University

2Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics

Nerses A. Khachatryan, Yerevan State University

2Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics


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How to Cite

Petrosyan, P. A. ., & Khachatryan, N. A. . (2021). Interval Total Colorings of Complete Multipartite Graphs and Hypercubes. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 42, 28–42. Retrieved from

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