Video Shot Detection Method Based on Histogram Comparison Procedure


  • Manuk K. Zakaryan Russian-Armenian University


Video segmentation, Shot detection, Image similarity measure, Histogram


Video segmentation and shot detection are the main components in automatic video indexing, archiving, editing and retrieval. For the last fifteen years a lot of techniques have been proposed some of which have reliable performances in the video processing, especially for the video cut detection, key frame extraction and browsing technique. They have a big range of usage mainly in medical diagnosis, military, retail catalog, traffic control, security, etc. In this paper we provide a comparative analysis of histogram and certain structural properties based methods for video cut detection problems. Advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned methods are shown.


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How to Cite

Zakaryan, M. K. . (2021). Video Shot Detection Method Based on Histogram Comparison Procedure. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 44, 77–84. Retrieved from