Optimization Techniques for Generic Secure Two-party Computation Platform


  • Tigran V. Sokhakyan Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University


Secure two-party computation, Yao’s garbled circuits protocol, White-box cryptography, Oblivious transfer


In this article we present an implementation of general purpose secure twoparty computation framework offering security against semi-honest threat model. Proposed framework implements Yao’s garbled circuits protocol and incorporates novel oblivious transfer protocol based on white-box cryptography methods for the first time to avoid computationally expensive public key operations. Also experimental results illustrating the efficiency of our framework compared with previous implementations are provided.


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How to Cite

Sokhakyan, T. V. . (2021). Optimization Techniques for Generic Secure Two-party Computation Platform. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 45, 90–98. Retrieved from https://mpcs.sci.am/index.php/mpcs/article/view/171