Performances of Methods for Solving a Linear System of Equations in the Architecture of GPU Accelerator


  • Hrachya V. Astsatryan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
  • Edita E. Gichunts Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


LU factorization, linear system of equations, Random Butterfly Transformation, GEPP, GENP, MAGMA, GPU accelerator


We consider some important issues related to the solution of linear system of equations that arise in multi-processor and graphics processing unit architecture. A more effective method for solving a linear system of equations is considered through the LU factorization. Investigations are conducted in case of general complex matrices, because for those matrices the random butterfly transformation is used. The paper presents performances of several ways of solving methods on the graphic processor NVIDIA K40c.


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How to Cite

Astsatryan, H. V., & Gichunts, E. E. . (2021). Performances of Methods for Solving a Linear System of Equations in the Architecture of GPU Accelerator. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 45, 44–52. Retrieved from