Development of a Modular Tool for Regulating and Analyzing Activities in Chess


  • Levon S. Berberyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


Chess, Chess Engines, Chess Engines comparison, Chess Software, Activities in Chess, Regulating Activities in Chess, Analyzing Activities in Chess, Flexible Chess Software, Chess Tutors


In this work computer software tool for regulating and analyzing activities in chess and approach to its design are suggested. The article starts with analyzing some common software for regulating and analyzing activities in chess, listing some of their pros and cons, especially concerning the chess engines comparison. Further, an improved software design approach to regulating and analyzing activities in chess based on separating software modules and defining API for each of them is specified. Then the design approach and its implementation details, particularly components implementing modules API are independent from each other, providing flexible mechanisms for manipulations are described. Also usage scenarios building tips, based on manipulations with basic commands calls, for developed software are provided.


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How to Cite

Berberyan, L. S. . (2021). Development of a Modular Tool for Regulating and Analyzing Activities in Chess. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 46, 107–116. Retrieved from