Automation Script for WRF Model Data Assimilation System


  • Hayk A. Grigoryan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


data assimilation, automation, big data analysis, wrfda, synop, little_r


Climatology and weather forecasting are important since they help to determine future climate expectation. They are important to most aspects of day to day life, including aviation, boating, other modes of transportation, farming, tourism, health care, sports, etc. Many software models exist for modeling and forecasting the weather. The weather prediction is very complex and needs in a lot of observational data. In the weather forecasting domain Armenia as a developing country gets much of the forecasting data from outside resources, and moreover, not all observation stations in Armenia provide daily observation data and they are not integrated into the global forecast systems. That’s why the data assimilation techniques exist for making small corrections to a short-range forecast. In this paper an automation script is introduced which in easy and user-friendly way generates a LITTLE_R format ASCII files from station observations SYNOP code, which is necessary for data assimilation WRFDA system in WRF model


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How to Cite

Grigoryan, H. A. (2021). Automation Script for WRF Model Data Assimilation System. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 48, 57–63. Retrieved from